You are No. 1 after all !
— Tina Scoley

Most Yogis feel wretched if they don't get to their Yoga practice for whatever reason for when you do Yoga on a regular basis, it is a discipline that you will no doubt be  'craving'.  It's easy to understand why, Yoga does wonders for your mental, spiritual and physical well-being.

And that goes for me too, along with interspersing my practice with cycling and swimming. together with some energetic 'kneading the dough', which I most certainly do.

But there are times when Hot Yoga and even Yoga without the heat are a "no-no".

Those times are the sacred visits to the Hairdressers.  The one day when I make an exception to the 'rule'. What a wonderful feeling it is not to be all sweaty and soggy for a change. I feel that It's important to remind yourself occasionally in between all that Yoga that you do scrub up nicely even if it's only for the rest of the day — you after No. 1 after all !


Good hair day june 1 2017.png