Bagels sprinkled with poppy, sesame or coarse sea salt are so versatile. Split in half, try topping with thickly spread cream cheese and chopped fresh dates. Mmm… my mouth is watering already!
It’s also your big chance to do a satisfying loop-de-loop with your index finger when making the classic central bagel hole. It will be an enlightening experience, no doubt!
Makes 16 bagels. Line two large baking trays with lightly greased parchment or baking paper. For 8 bagels, simply halve the recipe contents.
3 cups, 24 fl oz (600) ml full cream milk
4 oz (114 g) unsalted butter at room temperature
1 oz (28 g) caster sugar
2 tablespoons (½ ounce, 15 g) dried yeast ( or 0.75 oz (20 g) fresh yeast
2 teaspoons salt
2 large organic eggs
6.5 cups, 2 lb 2 oz (1000 g) strong unbleached bread flour, plus extra
Poppy, sesame seeds and/or coarse sea salt to sprinkle on the surface (optional)
Warm the milk, the butter and the sugar until hand-hot and stir until the butter has melted. Whisk in the yeast lightly and leave to stand for approximately 10 minutes, or until a frothy head has formed.
Whisk the egg whites briefly. Sieve the flour and salt into a large mixing bowl, make a well in the centre, stir in the yeast mix and then the egg whites.
Knead the dough until it’s smooth — roughly about ten minutes. Return the dough to the bowl, cover with a tea towel for about an hour or until the dough has doubled in size.
Break down and knead the dough again for 2 – 3 minutes. Then divide into 16 evenly-sized chunks around 4 oz (114 g) in weight, shaping them into rounds.
Using as little flour for dusting if possible, place a large 3’ (75 mm) scone cutter on your work surface and put one section of dough inside while you stick and twist your thumb in it and make a hole a good 1” (25 mm) in the middle of the bagel dough. Using the scone cutter helps keep the bagel shape evenly round.
Alternatively stick your thumb in the middle of the dough and twiddle the dough in a circle, a bit like pizza throwing on a small scale!
Place 8 bagels onto each of the lined baking trays. Cover with a tea towel and leave for at least ten minutes.
Pre-heat the oven to 400 ºF (200 ºC)
Bring a large pan of water to the boil, then adjust to “simmering”. Drop in the bagels a couple at a time to avoid sticking for around 15 Elephant seconds if you are in the U.K. or 15 Mississippi seconds if you are in the U.S.A. (!) until they begin to swell a little.
With a large perforated spoon, place the wet bagels onto the prepared baking tray.
Now whisk in a tablespoon of water to the remaining egg yolk. Baste the bagel dough and then sprinkle whatever the fancy takes you albeit poppy seeds, sesame seeds or coarse sea salt. Just go for it!
Bake the bagels for approximately 15-18 minutes or until they are lightly golden brown.
Transfer the bagels and baking sheet onto a wire baking rack to cool. These can be frozen quite successfully for a good three months.