Monumental Muffins
“This is the best breakfast sandwich you can eat. ”
Such a great comfort food. Usually, muffins are redolent of log fires on a cold wintry day, for example, in the UK. But these are the sort of days, comparatively speaking, that we are having in California at present. Well, whatever, who needs an excuse—certainly not me. They are great split in half and toasted, adding your favourite savoury topping, such as—dare I say it?!— Heinz Baked Beans (the ultimate comfort food), cheese and ham, pasta sauce, basil and grated cheddar — then grilled to perfection. They make a perfect substitute for a pizza base.
Makes around 22 muffins
Preparation: Line two baking trays with greaseproof or baking paper.
28 fl oz, 1.25 pints (800 ml) full cream milk
1 teaspoon sugar
2 tablespoons dried yeast (or make up according to manufacturer’s instructions)
2 lb 2 oz (1000 g) unbleached bread flour, plus extra for dusting etc.
2 teaspoons salt
2 oz (56 g) butter at room temperature
1-2 tablespoons melted ghee
Start by warming the milk with the sugar so that it is hand-hot. Add the yeast and mix in well. Leave for at least 10 minutes or until a frothy head has formed.
Meanwhile sift the flour and salt into a large mixing bowl. Then rub in the butter until the texture of the flour resembles breadcrumbs.
Make a well in the flour, pour in the yeast and milk mixture, and using a wooden spoon work the ingredients together until all the flour from the sides of the bowl have been taken up.
Knead the dough for 10 minutes, adding a little flour if it is sticky until pliable and elastic. Sprinkle a little flour over the dough, cover with a clean tea-towel and leave to rise for an hour, or until doubled in size.
Knock down the dough and kneed for another couple of minutes, then roll out to 0.5 “ (12 mm) thick. Cut rounds with a floured 3 “ (75 mm) cutter and placed onto the prepared baking trays. Cover and leave to rise for 20-30 minutes.
Warm up a couple of frying pans (preferably ceramic or non-stick) on a moderate heat to begin with and then, turning the heat down to low, grease the pans with a little melted ghee.
In batches, gently cook the muffins for 7 minutes on each side, brushing in more ghee as necessary.
Line a couple of baking racks with greaseproof paper. When cooked, place the muffins on the racks to cool. Then split in half, toast and butter, adding your favourite topping — great with a lightly fried, poached or scrambled egg, honey, lemon curd or any jam.
Freeze any remaining muffins for later use. Defrosted and toasted, they will taste as if freshly made that day!
What are your favourite toppings? Please let me have your comments.